Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You Are Here

We were walking down Panenska street the other day and quickly approaching one gallery which always has some interesting, but very 'progressive' window display. Of course I was not alone. Little David was with me and basically at the end of his day. His mantra was "I don't want to be here." Interestingly enough the gallery had plastered on its windows this simple message: YOU ARE HERE. Ironic timing.

YOU ARE HERE. What a relevant message for us, especially me, today. Life is sometimes so busy, hectic and fast. Most of the time we are either coming to terms with where we have been or stressing and striving to get where we are going. Rarely are we quite and still enough to simply realize that YOU ARE HERE. Life is happening right now..and now...and now. We don't have to live in rewind or fast forward. There is a play mode and sometimes even a pause button on this thing called life.

Most of the time we are just like David crying - "I don't want to be here!"
Why is it so hard to be 'fully present' at times? Why is our attention on a million things and absolutely nothing at the same time? Why can't we seem to be content in all situations... or at least the one we are in at the moment? Possibly there are many answers, but the simple one is that I'm not in tune with God. Somewhere along the journey we have gotten off track. The reception is getting fuzzy. The Spirit's guiding footprints made a right turn two blocks back.

I would like to get back into step. Join in the rhythm, movement, motion, and momentum of Jesus. Keeping in step with the Spirit. Following the cloud and the flame on grand adventures. Part of the process is just to pause... wait ... listen... and remember that HE IS HERE. And when HE shows up, know that YOU ARE HERE for a reason. It's not a mistake. Where ever the Spirit has you, it is the right place. So live fully in the space & time He has given to you. Today. Now. Here. Don't worry about tomorrow... live in Him right now.

Now why does it take oversized window displays to knock the simplicity of the Spirit-filled reality into our over-iPoded minds? I guess we all need a shock from time to time. For some it's a burning bush. For others it’s a smart mouthed donkey. Whatever God uses to get your attention - it doesn't matter what- just pause, listen and wait. Then respond.

YOU ARE HERE and its good.