Sunday, July 27, 2008


This is the best babysitter we could get on short notice... :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Around the bend

Even though we have lived here in Slovakia for more or less 8 years, it's amazing how much there is around that is new to discover. Last week we drove 2 hours south to Vac, Hungary. It's this amazingly beautiful little town on the Danube Bend. The city square and walking zone is like out of a Euro-dream...really cool for a small town. Unfortunately I left my camera at home this you will just have to take my word on this...or go check it out yourself.

Better then the city is our new friends - Tamas & Sari, plus their boys Marko & Danny.(This photo is a bit old..pre-Danny) Tamas pastors the Calvary Chapel in Vac. We got to know this great couple casually over the years at the Foundation conference. They are a sweet family. In addition to meeting the Gymes family we also got to visit the little fellowship there. This was cool to see because this fellowship has roots in guys like Noah Hardy & Gary Price who we knew and come from CC Redlands. So, it is nice to see the fruit of their legacy and the new works that are emerging now under Tamas' leadership. I also preached for their mid-week service. We focused on 2 Peter 1 & Mark 9. Essentially about the need to experience Jesus personally.

If you want to find out more about CC Vac, check them out at:


conference call

Friday, July 11, 2008

Garden flower

A few weeks ago we visited Ivetka’s family in Orava. As usual, it’s super beautiful up there this time of year. The surrounding hills are lush with green and backdropped by dramatic clouds and sheer mountain peaks...God did good there! One afternoon David and I did a photo shoot out in the garden....enjoy!

With Starky

David hanging out with his 'Starky' (Ivetka's father)a few weeks ago...

Soap Bubbles

Jánošík je späť

Here is a TV spot for the 'Janosik' performance we saw last week. The tag line is "Janosik is back..."

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

some assembly required

Gabie is taking a spin on his new birthday bike. He is still using training wheels, but likes to get tricky. We hope to get him on two wheels soon, but he is a bit behind on his biking season. Why? His bike has been constantly breaking, so he has to wait until I have a moment to repair it. Lesson: never buy a cheap bike in a box made in China. No directions and extra parts are always a bad combo! But, for now all is ‘go’ and Gabie in on the go!


Every year, across Slovakia in every city and little hamlet, there is a Jarmok. What is Jarmok? Well, it’s a kind of a community gathering, celebration, fair, drinking fest, and exhibition all rolled into one. This year Nitra’s Jarmok focused on traditional handcrafts - ceramics, art, carvings, traditional clothing and instruments, etc. It was great! It’s amazing how these guys make beautiful or complicated things from natural materials in ways I couldn’t imagine or duplicate if I tried. It’s almost like magic watching them do their craft. Here are some picks -

Basket weavers

Fujar & flute maker


Wine barrel makers


“Yet, O Lord, you are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are the works of your hand.”

Isaiah 64:8

Gabie ‘throwing a pot’ during Nitra Days. He loved it!

My other two cutties...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Funk soul brother

What do you get when you mix a notorious criminal, a hero, dance, a devil, an angel, song, stage lights, a president, and a Slovak flair for funk? That is exactly what we had to find out last Thursday night. Our normal Nitra Bible study group is a bit dispersed due to summer, but those of us in town decided to take an evening out together. July 3-6th are an continuous celebration here in Nitra. What's the party about? All the excitement is in honor of the city itself, St.'s Cyril & Method, and great summer weather! And when Nitra throws a party, it really throws a party. There is stuff going on all day until the wee hours of the night - concerts, arts fair, children's programs, theater, Holy Mass, and even sword fighting... it's a packed program. We will post some pics later.

Anyways, back to the funky mix. The main event of the evening was a theater exhibition - highlighting the life of Juri Janosik... but in a very musical, 'ludovy', post-modern interpretive way. If you don't know Janosik think - Robinhood meets Che Guevara, Slovak style. He's a total icon of righteous resistance here. Anyways, this outside performance was pretty amazing and lots of fun. It's great to break away from the routine and have some fun together as a community of faith.

Check it out yourself -


A couple of weeks ago we accidentally stumbled upon a air show just outside of Nove Zamky. Since we had been driving for a few hours we decided to get out of the car and stretch our legs a bit...well three hours later we resumed our journey home. For being such a small airfield it was amazing the kind of show they put on. They even had Migs & F-16’s! Actually, the whole event was more then just highlighting cool planes, but there were lots of military, police, and emergency vehicles there. They even had a tank and a mock battle on the landing strip. Later a few police guys did a police dog show. All in all it was a really cool event, even though it was blazing hot! The cool thing about events like this in Slovakia is that they are in Slovakia. In the USA you would never get so close to the action!


Here is Gabie & his fellow Daredevil Jaden. These two had an awesome time pushing each other into the pool during the conference. Here they are taking this little push-bike full boar down the grassy slope. They had a blast!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sure Foundation

So, finally I'm posting some pics from our time at Calvary Chapel's Bible School/Conference center in Vajta, HU. This particular conference is called Foundations, and (for me at least) is a annual reminder to get back to the basic, foundational, essential truths/realities of the faith and ministry. It is always a blessing to take part on this event. Aside for all the great teachers CCBCE brings in, there is simple a really good atmosphere and sweet times of fellowship. We loved it!

The theme of the conference was: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit...”
Of course there are so many directions the teachings could go (and did), but all of it centered around the all sufficiency of God, yet His intense desire to work His will though individuals. It’s an amazing thing that such and amazing God wants to do even more amazing stuff via you & me. It’s a kind of grace, and it’s marvelous.

If you would like to check out the teaching from Foundations 2008 just click!

A great time of worship, reflection, adoration, simply waiting upon Jesus!

One awsome aspect of Foundations is the family atmosphere. On the last evening there was a big BBQ on the front lawn of the castle. It is simply good to embrace life together!
Here are some pics of that:

Some of the nature around Vajta...