Monday, June 23, 2008

Before we were farmers

Do life lessons ever feel like a sort of divine echo to you? What I mean is most brilliant moments of insight seem to repeat themselves in multiple subtle ways until we are able to put all the pieces together and finally 'get it.' It's not a moment of enlightenment, its momentS. That's been our experience(s) lately.

During our time at CCBCE (Vajta), through personal conversations and also a great sermon by pastor Miro we have stumbled upon a great truth - there is life before farming. In fact not only is there life, but it is a very good life.

What am I talking about? Well, in 2Timothy 2 the apostle Paul encourages us (believers) to be fantastic farmers, awesome athletes, and super soldiers. Well, really he just uses these professions to illustrate that we are to simply 'go for it' for Jesus in a very intentional, dynamic, and decisive way. We are to be functional. But, like I said there is life before Farming. There is life before Fighting. There is even life before gym socks. In verse one Paul reminds us that before we are 'functional' we are Family. We are Sons (or daughters). His children. We are loved. And it is all according to His grace. We are unlovable loved ones. God takes us in all our weaknesses, faults, failures, and misconceptions and simply loves us as Sons.

God doesn't need us. He is not scrambling for more 'spiritual employees'. We can not save the world, nor is He wanting us to. He doesn't need us. It's humbling, but true. We really can't 'help God out.' We are 'functional' or 'practical' because He involves us in HIS work. He is doing everything. We are just along for the ride. In this revelation we stumble upon the difference of 'being' verses just 'doing.'

God is more interested in having us as His beloved children, then He is in a race won, a field plowed, or a castle conquered. It's the surrender He is looking for. The giving up on 'me' in order to embrace Him. We are all Prodigal Sons. Sons whom the Father runs to and loves.

There is life before the plow. And it is good.

>>>> Below is a video that was played at Mozaika church illustrating the love of the Father for His sons & daughters. We are simply along for the ride...but it's great!Enjoy!


Well, "Archways to Empty Spaces" lead to a flash back in time - all the way back to the ancient city of Carnuntum - full of Legionnaires, Gladiators, and knights in shining armor. What am I talking about? Well few weekends ago we stumbled upon a massive archeological park nestled behind a chain of quaint Austrian villages just a few kilometers outside of Bratislava. From the road I had no idea that we were driving past the ruins of one of Rome's most important northern cities - Carnuntum. For more info check out the website - Archäologischer Park Carnuntum

Luckily for us our visit coincided with the annual RomerFest, which is a huge festival reenacting many aspects of the everyday life of Carnuntum. It was great! They had on display everything from archery, textile production, traditional food, medicines, arts, and of course a good dosage of Gladiator battles & Ligonier fighting formations. One of the best events were the Calvary fighting on horseback. It was awesome!

Ok.. so, enjoy the pics. We will post more later.

David charming sword away from a tough guy.

Battle Formations.

Traditional handcrafts.

Our little Gladiators!

My littlest arrow.

My warrior princess and biggest arrow.

A proud archer.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


We just got back from Vajta (almost a week now). It was great: one part missions conference, one part swimming marathon with Gabie. Enjoy the pics of the Fish!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Summer Ministry Update 2008

"The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land..." Isaiah 58:11a

What appropriate words as we head into summer and look forward to the next steps the Lord is preparing for us. As we look forward we also want to take time to look back. Our last ministry update was 3 months ago and it seems like time has simply flow by. We have been so busy!

As mentioned in our last report - for many years we were leading a ministry here, teaching multiple Bible studies, pastoring a church, organizing outreaches, etc. Yet, in the last few months we have really been transitioning out of most of these ministry responsibilities. It's very clear to us that until the Lord opens new doors that our task is to support the local Slovak pastors and lay workers who are really doing some amazing ministries here. Right now a lot of exciting things are happening in many Slovak churches as the Holy Spirit is doing a work here. For me it's been a real blessing to not be the 'main leader', but just someone to help support some very gifted local leaders as they step out further into what God is preparing for them in their own communities. For sure this is a big transition for me and us as a family, but it is also very freeing and blessed. It's really established in my heart the conviction that we are to work for His Kingdom and not our own.

Currently we have been attending a new church plant here in Nitra called Mozaika lead by Pastor Miro Toth. The church is part of a larger church planting effort with a goal of establishing 4 new churches in the Nitra region. It's a very ambitious move, but from my perspective an anointed one. For me its been a blessing to be a part of this church and see God using them to fulfill many of the visions God put on our heart for this city. One way we have sought to support Mozaika is being a part of the leadership team for reaching out to university students - Potichu Nahlas (Quietly Outspoken). So far we held three PN events - all of them fruitful. Each event is designed to open students up to talking about key issues they face in their daily lives and be exposed to the spiritual side / solution to those issues. All of this is done in a very personal, discussion based, interactive manner with lots of creative media & methods to push the talks further.

Below is a sample of our PN media stuff - a translated Swithcfoot video. Also click Potichu Nahlas to see our event blog which has lots of pics, videos, and other fun stuff.

Of the last 3 months, the last 3 weeks have been the busiest. We had our longtime friends - Neal & Yvonne Pirolo over again teaching almost every day all over the country (plus Hungary & the Czech Republic). It was for sure an intense, impacting, exhausting, and yet very fruitful time of ministering to the local Slovak churches. The meetings ranged from private meetings with multiple denominational leaders, to local groups of pastors, Para-church organizations, to local churches, to informal garden meetings, to a huge youth event. I think we meet and impacted practically every flavor, style, and age of believers here in Slovakia. It was intense. Most of the meetings revolved around two general topics - Missions & Spiritual warfare. In short is was a very busy, but effective time of ministry. For a more detailed report check out: Off the Road .

Lastly, the Nitra home group continues on under Rado S.’ leadership and is now meeting in his home as well. The last few months have been very challenging in many ways as there has been changes in location, leadership, and those who attend. Additionally, many of the local believers have been going through some extreme hardships. Yet, through these difficulties God is sustaining this little light in Nitra. It has also been a joy for me to watch Rado step up and assume a pastoral role in the group. He really has a heart for the people and a real gift/calling in ministering to their needs- both spiritually & practically. I'm really proud of how Rado has handled many of the recent challenges. Please keep Rado & Vierka (his wife - who is expecting!) and the home group in your prayers.

So, what are our next steps? We haven't come to a final decision, but it's very clear that we will be moving on in the near future. It seems like the world is full of opportunities to get involved in God's big plan, but we just want to be doing that special part He has prepared for us. We know He will satisfy our needs in that place, even if it is a "sun-scorched land." We hope to announce our next steps very soon - until then would you pray along with us as we seek to hear His quiet but clear voice?

So far I didn't mention anything about us as a family. That was intentional - there is simply too much to say! If you want to get a glimpse into daily life in the Higgins home explore our blog. You will find lots of pictures, videos, amusing stories, and random musings. It's updated regularly... so stop by often!

Here is a recent video of our latest adventures:

Ok... before we let you go we do want to let you in on one thing: we appreciate you being a part of our life and ministry. Without your encouragement, prayers, and generous support we couldn't do this work. So, lets rejoice together in what God is doing!

Much love in Jesus,

Patrick, Ivetka, Gabriel & David

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Shepherd's Staff:
Go! Ministries:

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Off the Road

Finally, after almost a week, I’m back to “normal”. For the last 3 weeks we have been taking Neal & Yvonne Pirolo from Emmaus Road International all over the country (plus Hungary & the Czech Republic). It was for sure an intense, impacting, exhausting, and yet very fruitful time of ministering to the local Slovak churches. (see blog for pics) The meetings ranged from private meetings with multiple denominational leaders, to local groups of pastors, Para-church organizations, to local churches, to informal garden meetings, to a huge youth event. It think we meet and impacted practically every flavor, style, and age of believers here in Slovakia. It was intense. Most of the meetings revolved around two general topics - Missions & Spiritual warfare.

Out of the many ‘big ideas’ that were spoken about, the biggest one didn’t come from Neal. It was actually a phrase echoed over and over again from local leaders and lay people almost every where we went. It went something like this - “We are now ready not only to receive missionaries, but to send then out!” This was such an encouragement to me. Finally, the Slovak churches are waking up to their role in impacting the world around them. And by God’s help I believe they will do so. Many of the meetings with key leadership across the country (ranging from Assemblies of God, Baptist, Lutheran, Reformed, EV Free, Brethren, non-Denominational, etc) were aimed at forming strategies on how to get their movements involved in missions and sending out Slovak missionaries. It was amazing to see so many influential leaders on the same page and moving in a global direction with passion.

During the 3 weeks of ministry we had so many interesting encounters that it is hard to pin down which one was the most rewarding. However, I particularly enjoyed the two meetings with EXIT, a large youth ministry in downtown Bratislava lead by pastor Valdo Z. It was a huge blessing for me to see young Slovaks interesting in giving their lives to God’s service across the globe. In Nitra Neal taught two seminars on Spiritual warfare, this was also a good set of meetings. It was great to once again see young people packing out the room and feverishly taking notes. It’s such a thrill for me to see the next generation of church leaders excited for the Lord and wanting to get ready for the task before them!

All in all it was a good trip. When Neal & I reviewed the trip we both agreed that we will know if this was a GREAT! trip if in 6 months time those we ministered to will begin to put into practice the teachings that were given. Last Sunday at church I saw a bit of the coming fruit as one of the sisters in the fellowship told me she has already secured two weeks of vacation time to be able to take a short term-missions trip to China later this year! Amazing! It’s so very cool to see God’s people responding to His Word and Spirit!

It’s funny that even though I didn’t teach, doing all of the logistics work was a lot of work. Neal has asked me to do some other projects with him in the future... we will keep you posted. Aside for all the ‘work’, we did have a bit of fun with the Pirolos. They are really cool people and Ivetka & I hope to have as much life, passion, and drive as they do when we are 70!

Archways to empty spaces

Last Saturday on my way back from the Vienna airport I decided to pull off to the side of the road and take a quick photographic journey. About 20km from Bratislava, in the Austrian countryside is this huge arch in the middle of a field, lined by a strand of trees. To add to this surreal picture are hundreds of massive electric generating windmills dotting the surrounding horizon. I'm not 100% sure of the story behind the arch other then it is part of a much larger archeological park displaying the ruins of a extensive ancient Roman colony. We hope to come back this weekend and check it out more in detail. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008


Well, Neal & Yvonne Pirolo are still with us. We have been so busy these past few days. But, we trust that these meetings will be a blessing, especially to key Christian leaders, workers, and denominations here in Slovakia that are seriously considering how to be of greater impact for Jesus in this country and around the world! Check out the "tour" blog (<< just click) for recent photos.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well, summer is for sure upon us...and it's great! After a cold winter it's great to get outdoors and do all the things you couldn't for months. Obviously BBQ's are on everyone's mind as we were on two yesterday and invited for another next week. The first BBQ was a bit more adventurous then the second - we hiked to the top of Zobor 'mountain' and made a campfire there. Yes, that is Ivetka with the big knife. We brought that over from the USA a few years back for Martin M....I still wonder how we smuggled that through customs...well, we have experience! All in all it was a great time outdoors, getting some needed exercise then defeating the purpose by eating super fatty sausages :)