Monday, May 31, 2010

CityLight: May 31 – June 6th

“From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’“ Acts 17:26-28a

Weekly gatherings:

Wednesday: Prayer & Praise Meeting @ 7:30pm > Higgins 0907.395522

Thursday: Slovak Bible Study @ 7:30pm > Bartosik 0908.472759

Friday: Dig Deep @ 7:30pm > Higgins 0907.395522

Budapest Trip: June 13th. All the important info HERE! Sign up deadline is June 4th. Email:

Audio Teachings: We are now recording the Thursday & Sunday evening Bible studies. All studies will be available for listening & downloading via the CityLight website. Look for them either on the front-page or in the TEACHING section. We hope that this will be a blessing to those in our church and possibly others afar off. Enjoy!

Mike+Heather: Just received an update on their tour across the USA sharing the message of SOLD. Check it out here: SOLD NEWS

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CityLight Update: 17-23/5/2010

Dear CityLighters,

As we approach the celebration of Pentecost this Sunday I would encourage you to pray that the Holy Spirit would guide you & our church in the next days & months. Many of us are seeking “next steps” and feel we are in those rudderless boats we spoke about on Sunday. But know that God has wonderful things planned and He promises to reveal those things by His Spirit (1Cor 2:9-10). So just ask!

Patrick + Ivetka
This week at CityLight:

Wednesday: Prayer & Praise Meeting
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Higgins home (Mateja Bela 8)
Contact: 0907.395522

Thursday: Slovak Language Bible Study
Topic: the Gospel of John
Teacher: Erik Racz
When: every Thursday from 7-9pm
Where: Stara Stupavska 8 (Bartošík family)
Contact: 0908.472759

Friday: Dig Deep: Bible study / discussion group in the book of Genesis
Where: Mateja Bela 8 (Higgins home)
When: every Friday from 7:30-9pm
Topic: “Big Boat, Big God” - Gen 7
Teacher: Chad Shively
Contact: 0907.395522

Lucenec Missions Trip: VIDEO

CityLight Causes:

60 Beds: Heather Eccles is heading up a project to raise funds to buy 60 new beds for the Diagnostic Center (like an orphanage).

Upcoming ways to help:
1. Bake Sale May 23 after church. God loves a cheerful giver… and in this case eater!
2. Got beds, bedding, mattresses, tables, chairs or wardrobes you or your friends need to get rid of? Donate it to the Diagnostic Center.
3 Sahar Khoury from the International Baptist Church cuts hair and has offered to give all donations for her services to the Center if we mention this. (contact Heather)
4. DOMINIC is spearheading an effort to raise money for this cause, and if he raises 1,000 he'll buzz off all his hair! (Ask Dominic for how to make your bid!)
5. Direct donations? via City Light (we will have envelopes available for donations)

If you have any questions or some crazy ideas how to raise funds pass them on to Heather ( Please pray for this need & project!

ps... that great cookie making VIDEO

The Sold Project: Please keep our very own Mike + Heather Colleto in your prayers as they tour America sharing the vision of SOLD and the needs of women & children who are victims of human trafficking.

Click HERE to listen to a radio interview they recently gave!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CityLight Update: 10-16/5

Dear CityLight family,

Today I was reminded in a lecture by Mr. Walter Hooper, personal secretary & friend of C.S.Lewis, that “Unless a grain of wheat fall into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (Jn 12:24) There is so much that we run after in this life to fulfill our own desires & dreams. Yet, there is such a greater reward in being spent on Him. For as the same passage continues - “He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (v25) What a great prize, what good fruit - Life….”and that more abundantly!

This week I’m including in the CityLight update a few ways you can spend & be spent for Jesus. Also, please serve one another in prayer (see list below).

Be blessed & be a blessing,
Patrick + Ivetka

This Week @ CityLight:

NEW! Slovak Language Bible Study: staring this Thursday!
Where: Stara Stupavska 8 (Bartošík family)
When: every Thursday from 7-9pm
Topic: the Gospel of John
Teacher: Erik Racz
Contact: 0908.472759

Dig Deep: Bible study / discussion group in the book of Genesis
Where: Mateja Bela 8 (Higgins home)
When: every Friday from 7:30-9pm
Topic: “Big Boat” - Gen 6
Teacher: Chad Shively
Contact: 0907.395522

Men’s Breakfast: will be postponed. Details to follow.

Prayer+Worship: every Wednesday’s @ 7:30pm @ Higgins home. If someone would like to host this meeting in their home let us know (email:

CityLight Causes:

60 Beds: Heather Eccles is heading up a project to raise funds to buy 60 new beds for the Diagnostic Center (like an orphanage). If would like to help financially you can do so via CityLight and also a baking fund raiser that the youth will be organizing on May 23rd. If you have some crazy ideas how to raise funds pass them on to Heather ( Please pray for this need & project.

The Sold Project: Please keep our very own Mike + Heather Colleto in your prayers as they tour America sharing the vision of SOLD and the needs of women & children who are victims of human trafficking. Their efforts were written up in a news article recently - CLICK HERE TO READ! Also if you are interested in learning more about the issue see this report “Statistics of Modern Day Slavery

CityLight Events:

Golgotha Gospel Choir: The 100 member Golgotha Gospel Choir from Calvary Chapel Budapest has asked CityLight to help them organize a concert here in BA on June 3rd. Please pray for a hall big enough to house this group as they use their talents to spread the Good News. We need a location to open up in the next couple of days or we will postpone this event.

Field Trip: We are considering taking a church “field trip” to Calvary Chapel Budapest. This will be a day of visiting the church and enjoying that beautiful city together.
The target date: May 30th… so mark your calendars. More details to follow.

For Prayer Requests please email to:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

CityLight Update 3-9/5

Dear CityLight family,
Here are a few updates & prayer requests for this week... sorry it is a bit late! Please be praying for one another!

In Him,
Patrick + Ivetka

This week at CityLight:

Dig Deep: “Nephilim” this Friday @ 7:30pm @ Higgins home (Mateja Bela 8)

Prayer+Worship: every Wednesday’s @ 7:30pm @ Higgins home. If someone would like to host this meeting in their home let us know.

All Parents!!! : I would like to ask you to pray for all the CityLight kids & Sunday School teachers. The last few weeks have been very rough with many distractions and misbehavior with most of the kids during the class time. We really need your parental support and ask that you remind your children of what is expected of them if they wish to attend the classes. Please also pray for a better space to serve the kids in and also a helper for the 4 & under group. Thank you for your help!

Golgotha Gospel Choir: The 100 member Golgotha Gospel Choir from Calvary Chapel Budapest has asked CityLight to help them organize a concert here in BA on June 3rd. Please pray for a hall big enough to house this group as they use their talents to spread the Good News.
Field Trip: We are considering taking a church “field trip” to Calvary Chapel Budapest. This will be a day of visiting the church and enjoying that beautiful city together.
The target date: May 30th… so mark your calendars.
More details to follow.

60 Beds: Heather Eccles is heading up a project to raise funds to buy 60 new beds for the Diagnostic Center (like an orphanage). If would like to help financially you can do so via CityLight and also a baking fund raiser that the youth will be organizing. More details to come.
For Prayer Requests please email to: