Do life lessons ever feel like a sort of divine echo to you? What I mean is most brilliant moments of insight seem to repeat themselves in multiple subtle ways until we are able to put all the pieces together and finally 'get it.' It's not a moment of enlightenment, its momentS. That's been our experience(s) lately.
During our time at CCBCE (Vajta), through personal conversations and also a great sermon by pastor Miro we have stumbled upon a great truth - there is life before farming. In fact not only is there life, but it is a very good life.
What am I talking about? Well, in 2Timothy 2 the apostle Paul encourages us (believers) to be fantastic farmers, awesome athletes, and super soldiers. Well, really he just uses these professions to illustrate that we are to simply 'go for it' for Jesus in a very intentional, dynamic, and decisive way. We are to be functional. But, like I said there is life before Farming. There is life before Fighting. There is even life before gym socks. In verse one Paul reminds us that before we are 'functional' we are Family. We are Sons (or daughters). His children. We are loved. And it is all according to His grace. We are unlovable loved ones. God takes us in all our weaknesses, faults, failures, and misconceptions and simply loves us as Sons.
God doesn't need us. He is not scrambling for more 'spiritual employees'. We can not save the world, nor is He wanting us to. He doesn't need us. It's humbling, but true. We really can't 'help God out.' We are 'functional' or 'practical' because He involves us in HIS work. He is doing everything. We are just along for the ride. In this revelation we stumble upon the difference of 'being' verses just 'doing.'
God is more interested in having us as His beloved children, then He is in a race won, a field plowed, or a castle conquered. It's the surrender He is looking for. The giving up on 'me' in order to embrace Him. We are all Prodigal Sons. Sons whom the Father runs to and loves.
There is life before the plow. And it is good.
>>>> Below is a video that was played at Mozaika church illustrating the love of the Father for His sons & daughters. We are simply along for the ride...but it's great!Enjoy!