Saturday, February 14, 2009


" view of God's mercy offer your bodies as living sacrifices..." Romans 12:1-2.

God has been so good to us. And as the Apostle Paul says - the only reasonable, logical, spiritual expression of gratitude is to yield yourself to His program. Get in step with what He is about to unfold. That is our life & ministry at the moment. Simply enjoying what God has done. Then being astonished at what He does when we get out of His way and follow His leading.

As was already mentioned in the \\Rewind\\ section - we are currently planting a CC fellowship here in Bratislava. More precisely, God is planting a church here in Bratislava. We have so little to do with it - which is great! It's been amazing to see who God brings on a weekly basis to the Sunday evening worship services. With no outside advertisement and not really inviting anyone, God is still filling up our apartment week after week. And for us its a blessing to serve the people who come because we know without a doubt that God brought them to us. They are His sheep and He wants them feed and loved!

As a church we have been gathering weekly to simply meet with Jesus. Our "motto" is Acts 2:42-47 "They devoted themselves to the Apostles teachings and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer...and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." So, we try to strike a balance of these 4 things and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as we worship, serve one another, and empower us to share Christ's love with those around us. And it works!

Please keep us in your prayers as we ask God the simple question - "what's next?"

[ To find out what's going on in the NOW of our personal life just cruise through the blog or check out our recent post "to busy to blog?" ]

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