Wednesday, December 8, 2010

CityLight 5-11.12.2010

Dear CityLight family,

As most of you know our dear friends, the Sano family, have journeyed back to Japan yesterday. Please keep them in prayer as they transition back into life there. Also pray that God would amazes & surprise them as they watch Him unfold before their eyes His big plan for them!

Also, a BIG “thank you!” to all who helped out last Sunday to make the Sano-send-off & Festival of Lights a blast! The atmosphere, food, and gifts were wonderful! If any of you have pictures from this service please send me them or post on FB & tag. Thanks!

Ok.. have a blessed week in HIM,

Patrick + Ivetka

This week:

Tonight: Prayer meeting @ 7pm >>> MORE DETAILS

DigDeep: Special program this week, see: DIG DEEP DEC 2010

Festival of Lights – Check out the pictures, video, teaching, and more online>>> Festival of Light!

Advent: We will shift gears for Advent with a series of services called “LIGHT.” For more info on this service and what else is lined up for the month of December check out: “Light – CityLight Advent 2010”

Good Gifts: If you would like to participate in the gift collection project that Heather is heading up on behalf of the local Diagnostic Center (orphanage) please bring your gifts in to CityLight by the 12th (THIS SUNDAY!!!) at the latest. Remember to choose age appropriate gifts (nothing broken, used, or inappropriate), mark the box boy/girl + age, and wrap the box & lid separately. If you have more questions email Heather directly.

Recent Teachings:
5.12. “Festival of Lights” + 28.11 “Thanksgiving Always”