Possibly you come from an evangelical background that didn't stress tradition - me too! So the idea of Advent is quite a new one for me. For some of us Christmas growing up was a couple of days packed with too much food, too many presents and an overdose of nativity plays and "Hark the Heralds Angles." It was an event, not a season. We "did" Christmas, we didn't anticipate it (other then the gifts). But Advent is a lot more then that. Advent is expectation. Advent is reflection. Advent is a focusing of ourselves on one thing...actually One person. It's all about Jesus - nothing more & nothing less.
Jesus was the ultimate minimalist. Less was more. God became a Man. He stripped away His divinity, His control over life, His supremacy of will. Why? So he could be born into this world as a weak, dependant, crying baby. He wasn't born into a rich family, or into position, or influence. No, he was born into a poor family and took up a common occupation in land under foreign occupation. But that God who became a Man, would end up a Hero.
Why? What was the point? Sometimes we have to give to get. Jesus let go of everything to get one thing - YOU! You are His perfect Christmas gift (..hummm, so it does exist!) Let's reflect upon that this Advent season. As the world around us rushes head-over-heels in materialism, riding the wave of the next big fad, and fulfilling the lust of our eyes - STOP. Take time to smell the Christmas cookies. Pause. Breathe. Reflect. Consider- what was given that you might get? Remember, less is sometimes more.