Saturday, September 6, 2008

Angels & Devils

I’m so behind in blogging/updating...but so much is going on and right now I don’t have an internet connection at home... Anyways, I wanted to announce that we had our 1st pastoral visit in 8 years a few weeks ago. It was long overdue, but well worth the wait. Pastor Louie from CC Norco and his wife Cheryl, and his two daughters—Lindsay and Kelsey dropped by for a few days. It was so cool to have one of our supporters with us “on the field” to see Slovakia first hand. It was a sweet time of fellowship, much encouragement from them, and tons of insight into doing life God’s way. I loved how sensitive and in-tune to the Spirit this family was. Plus their “God is good & in control” outlook on life is really right on target and inspiring for us.

Pastor Louis also preached at Mozaika church here in Nitra. It was a simple, but straight forward message from the book of Easter about coming boldly to the throne of grace. To simply rely on Jesus and take in all He has for you. To come boldly to our good King.

Aside from the spiritual strengthening, we also had lots of fun. After the service at Mozaika we went over to the Chrenova Jarmok (a sort of local street festival for one part of Nitra). A great Gypsy band called the Gypsy Devils were playing some really lively, but musically superb tunes. The place was packed and very “local.” I’m including here a video of GD studio performance of Jewish music...enjoy!

Pastor Louie & CC Norco runs a missions agency called Go! Ministries, which we serve though (and addition to Shepherd’s Staff). It’s a great resource for anyone interesting in serving as missionaries... especially within the Calvary’s. Check it out HERE.