It’s been a long journey to get back to Bratislava, but it’s great to see Him, not us, unfolding His plan for a church to be formed here. Yet, God tends to do things His way...which are totally not our way! A few years ago in prayer we realized that we were to move to Bratislava. This was a shock as neither Ivetka nor I had any interest to do so. But, to make the story short- God changed our hearts, inspired us, and moved us on to the big city. The vision was, and still is, very simple - to form a faith community that will serve Slovaks and International people alike. We naturally take this to mean a bilingual church, like many of the other Calvary Chapel’s are in major European cities.
God has a sense of humor. He really does. When we thought bilingual, we assumed it would be Slovak/English, not English/Japanese! But, that is how this whole things is starting. We have now had 2 Sunday services with the Sano family- sweet friends/believers from Tokyo. And to extend the joke, we didn’t even have our first “worship service” in Bratislava, but in the hills outside of Dolny Kubin (Ivetka’s home town...a small little place in Northern Slovakia). Yet, it was great to meet together under sunny blue skies in the vastness of God’s art.
So, please keep us in prayer. God is slowly unfolding His perfect plan here in Bratislava. For sure His ways are best, His timing perfect, and His humor hysterical.
Enjoy the pics....