Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CityLight Update: 10-16/5

Dear CityLight family,

Today I was reminded in a lecture by Mr. Walter Hooper, personal secretary & friend of C.S.Lewis, that “Unless a grain of wheat fall into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (Jn 12:24) There is so much that we run after in this life to fulfill our own desires & dreams. Yet, there is such a greater reward in being spent on Him. For as the same passage continues - “He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (v25) What a great prize, what good fruit - Life….”and that more abundantly!

This week I’m including in the CityLight update a few ways you can spend & be spent for Jesus. Also, please serve one another in prayer (see list below).

Be blessed & be a blessing,
Patrick + Ivetka

This Week @ CityLight:

NEW! Slovak Language Bible Study: staring this Thursday!
Where: Stara Stupavska 8 (Bartošík family)
When: every Thursday from 7-9pm
Topic: the Gospel of John
Teacher: Erik Racz
Contact: 0908.472759

Dig Deep: Bible study / discussion group in the book of Genesis
Where: Mateja Bela 8 (Higgins home)
When: every Friday from 7:30-9pm
Topic: “Big Boat” - Gen 6
Teacher: Chad Shively
Contact: 0907.395522

Men’s Breakfast: will be postponed. Details to follow.

Prayer+Worship: every Wednesday’s @ 7:30pm @ Higgins home. If someone would like to host this meeting in their home let us know (email:

CityLight Causes:

60 Beds: Heather Eccles is heading up a project to raise funds to buy 60 new beds for the Diagnostic Center (like an orphanage). If would like to help financially you can do so via CityLight and also a baking fund raiser that the youth will be organizing on May 23rd. If you have some crazy ideas how to raise funds pass them on to Heather ( Please pray for this need & project.

The Sold Project: Please keep our very own Mike + Heather Colleto in your prayers as they tour America sharing the vision of SOLD and the needs of women & children who are victims of human trafficking. Their efforts were written up in a news article recently - CLICK HERE TO READ! Also if you are interested in learning more about the issue see this report “Statistics of Modern Day Slavery

CityLight Events:

Golgotha Gospel Choir: The 100 member Golgotha Gospel Choir from Calvary Chapel Budapest has asked CityLight to help them organize a concert here in BA on June 3rd. Please pray for a hall big enough to house this group as they use their talents to spread the Good News. We need a location to open up in the next couple of days or we will postpone this event.

Field Trip: We are considering taking a church “field trip” to Calvary Chapel Budapest. This will be a day of visiting the church and enjoying that beautiful city together.
The target date: May 30th… so mark your calendars. More details to follow.

For Prayer Requests please email to: