Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CityLight Update: 17-23/5/2010

Dear CityLighters,

As we approach the celebration of Pentecost this Sunday I would encourage you to pray that the Holy Spirit would guide you & our church in the next days & months. Many of us are seeking “next steps” and feel we are in those rudderless boats we spoke about on Sunday. But know that God has wonderful things planned and He promises to reveal those things by His Spirit (1Cor 2:9-10). So just ask!

Patrick + Ivetka
This week at CityLight:

Wednesday: Prayer & Praise Meeting
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Higgins home (Mateja Bela 8)
Contact: 0907.395522

Thursday: Slovak Language Bible Study
Topic: the Gospel of John
Teacher: Erik Racz
When: every Thursday from 7-9pm
Where: Stara Stupavska 8 (Bartošík family)
Contact: 0908.472759

Friday: Dig Deep: Bible study / discussion group in the book of Genesis
Where: Mateja Bela 8 (Higgins home)
When: every Friday from 7:30-9pm
Topic: “Big Boat, Big God” - Gen 7
Teacher: Chad Shively
Contact: 0907.395522

Lucenec Missions Trip: VIDEO

CityLight Causes:

60 Beds: Heather Eccles is heading up a project to raise funds to buy 60 new beds for the Diagnostic Center (like an orphanage).

Upcoming ways to help:
1. Bake Sale May 23 after church. God loves a cheerful giver… and in this case eater!
2. Got beds, bedding, mattresses, tables, chairs or wardrobes you or your friends need to get rid of? Donate it to the Diagnostic Center.
3 Sahar Khoury from the International Baptist Church cuts hair and has offered to give all donations for her services to the Center if we mention this. (contact Heather)
4. DOMINIC is spearheading an effort to raise money for this cause, and if he raises 1,000 he'll buzz off all his hair! (Ask Dominic for how to make your bid!)
5. Direct donations? via City Light (we will have envelopes available for donations)

If you have any questions or some crazy ideas how to raise funds pass them on to Heather (eccleshm@mail.masters.edu). Please pray for this need & project!

ps... that great cookie making VIDEO

The Sold Project: Please keep our very own Mike + Heather Colleto in your prayers as they tour America sharing the vision of SOLD and the needs of women & children who are victims of human trafficking.

Click HERE to listen to a radio interview they recently gave!