Friday, November 9, 2007

Nov 07 Update

Greetings once again from Slovakia! We are finally back after a long, but fast paced summer spent in California. It was a great time spent with our family, celebrating birthdays again after a long time, a camping trip, and a few trips to the beach. Gabie learned how to swim and David enjoyed his time playing with grandpa's dogs. Little David also had an all day annual check-up after his surgery last year. The Dr. says David is doing great - God gets all the credit for that! Despite all the fun, this trip also had a ministry focus. We were able to meet with many of our supporters and cast a vision with them for our next steps here in Slovakia. Additionally, I was blessed to be able to fill the pulpit on many occasions during our time in CA. It's always great to have a chance to preach the Word!

Aside from all the activities of the summer, the Lord was also teaching us many things. The most foundational lesson was - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5) With that comes the discipline of simply walking forward in the things God has laid out before us (Eph 2:10) out of obedience. Sometimes there may be opposition (and there was this summer), but it's more important to please God then man (Acts 4:18-20). Please keep us in your prayers as we try to live this out in our life in practical ways. We haven't "arrived" and sometimes the path of obedience is paved with many doubts, brokenness, opposition, and, yes, even joy!

At the moment we are living and ministering here in Nitra again. It's good to be back and now in a different role. For many years we were leading the ministry here, but now it's been a time of simply supporting the Slovaks who are doing the work, primarily Rado Svarda. Rado has been heading up the weekly home group for a year now and is doing a great job! This support has involved mentoring, lots of practical planning, and teaching the Word. Currently I have been teaching through Joel, Jesus' "7 Woes", and topical on the Holy Spirit. We recently reviewed the vision for the group based on Acts 2:42 - to be a Body empowered by the Holy Spirit and devoted to the Word, fellowship, prayer, and remembering Jesus! There was some great feedback from the group that these times spent in His presence are really strengthening their spiritual walk, real community is being built, and that they now have a greater passion to reach the lost here in Nitra! So, we thank God for these "blossoms on the trees" that we hope will grow into even more spiritual, lasting fruit (John 15:8).

Another supporting role we have assumed is with VBH, the Slovak version of InterVarsity. Basically, it is a student lead ministry on the local university campus. Rado has been mentoring the student leaders and has asked me to assist them in pastoral / mentoring care. So far it's been great! The VBH group meets throughout the week in the dorms and has their main meeting on Wednesday nights. On the first meeting of the semester they had 25+ students and are growing larger each week! Their focus this term is to study verse by verse through Romans! They also have a passion to reach out to their fellow students. Check out previous & upcoming posts for VBH updates.

When we were back in California we were able to review the vision and direction for the ministry with our home church. We would like to bring you up to speed as well:

Nitra: Simply to support the Slovaks we have co-ministered with in the past. And to help them, especially Rado, to finish up a good foundation for their further ministry here in Nitra.

Bratislava: The ultimate goal in Bratislava would be to plant a new church. We see this happening in three stages: 1. Prayer & exploration, 2. Outreach & discipleship, 3. the actual church plant.

We are simply in the Prayer part right now. Bratislava is full of opportunities and offers to minister, but we want to only walk through the things that God has prepared for us. As far as the "exploration" part I am traveling to Bratislava 4 days a week for work. I teach at AIG & DELL. This provides a great opportunity to meet a lot of unbelievers and share the Gospel with them via my personal witness. What I have encountered in Bratislava is that there is indeed a spiritual hunger, but it is being filled with everything but Jesus.Please pray for divine opportunities to be a light in Bratislava. Pray that the Holy Spirit would open the hearts of my co-workers and students. Also pray that God would provide us the finances to be able to move back to Bratislava in His perfect time. We can’t wait to get back!

Lastly we want to announce that we have a few changes in our contacts, as well as a Skype account to stay better connected with all of you. Additionally, we have joined Go! Ministries which will be handling our finances in the future.

Thank you all for all the love you have sent our way expressed in so many ways. Please continue to hold us up in your prayers!

Much love in Christ,

Patrick, Ivetka, Gabriel, and David

Go! Ministries
Mailing Address: GO Ministries P.O. Box 651 • Norco, CA 92860
Phone Contact: Phone: (951) 272-WORD (9673)Fax: (951) 272-4046