Saturday, November 8, 2008


He could not enter
for the dragon's flame.
Beowulf was angry,
the lord of the Geats,
he who stormed in battle.
He yelled into the cave.

Well... my time as a high school English teacher has been interesting thus far. I have survived almost 2 months now... even with Jr. High! Actually, the school is great - good kids, good staff, and lots of creative energy. For one of my younger groups we have been working through a section of Beowulf (modern translation of course!). Basically they have to learn how to read poetry out loud. But these kids are Jr.Highers... so they don’t have the slightest interest in poetry. But they do like bloody battles with fire breathing dragons... who doesn’t? So we worked off that angle. To get them to be motivated we made a movie of them acting out the poem. Here is a shot from our filming. Lesi the Dragon and Katka (a.k.a - Beowulf). These kids are crazy funny.

Please keep me in prayer as I work at the school and also in my other business lessons as well (Ivetka too). The down side of being a tent-making missionary is that I don’t always have time to do what I would normally see as “ministry.” However, the flip side is that we work intensively with a wide range of people... most of who do not know Jesus. Pray for us as we seek to use our secular jobs as not just a way to pay the bills, but to be a way into the lives of our students, coworkers, and clients. Pray that they would see Jesus in us and be hungry to hear more about the life He offers.