We have now hit the 2 month mark of the Sunday evening fellowship here in Bratislava. What can I say other then it’s a blessing to be a part of it and see God move in His way & His time. The foundation of the group has been prayer. Our two months here in Bratislava have been simply one prayer after another unfolding and revealing a new & beautiful work of the Spirit. The little group that meets in our home is great and we know that God has brought each one of them to us at the right time for a specific reason. And although it might be great to grow, I’m glad we are small enough to really know one another, serve one another and push each other further into Christ.
The motto of the group has been Acts 2:42 -”They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” It’s a simple model, but a blessed one. Very balanced. It’s so freeing to remove all the fluff from Christianity and simply meet Jesus and walk in His ways. And you know, He really does honor it. It’s a joy to be apart of His work, done His way. We have been going through the little letter of 1 John...it’s like dynamite - packed full of explosive truths on the way of Jesus! Then you add a time of simply adoring Jesus, serving each other in prayer, and taking the bread + the wine...it’s perfect. Just to top things off we share a meal together afterwards and keep the house open for as long as people want to stay. It’s a sweet time of fellowship and living out our faith in the community of believers (and sometimes even seekers). If you are in Bratislava come join us - every Sunday at 3pm.
Please keep us in your prayers - that the Holy Spirit would work among us, that the presence of Jesus would be felt, and that the Father would be glorified. If these things are happening then for sure the Lord will add daily those who are to be saved.