Saturday, November 1, 2008


Gabe & I took a few walks in the hills around Starky's home. It is great to get out into the Nature, even if we can see the crude skyline of commie-condos in the valley below. What's great about Nature is that it's not a commie-condo. It's not concrete, not limited, it's not a box (or cage. . . depending on your point of view.)It's not soundproof. It's not insulated. It's not airtight. It's not civilized. I once read that technology (=all that is man made) is an attempt to prevent us from experiencing reality as it is. Now, I don't know if that is really true. However, much of what we make, shape, sell, and strive for materially does isolate us from some important things in life. From truths that should be learned. Sometimes walking away for a moment from civilization (and all it represents) is a refreshing way to be human again.

So back to our walk. . . both times we came across small flocks of sheep grazing. This was not only a fun experience for Gabie, but a truth in hiding. As we came to one group of sheep Gabe wanted to 'catch' them. They simply took off through the fields. Gabe wanted me to call them, but of course they just moved further away. Then the lesson appeared.

"...His sheep follow His voice because they know His voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice." (John 10:4b-5)

I asked Gabie if we were their shepherds. Of course, he knew the right answer. Then we spoke of Jesus being our Good Shepherd. It's good to know and be known by the Shepherd. I believe the lesson will linger in Gabie's heart for a long time.

I don't want to live a "commie-condo life." A grey life of sameness, limits, airtight and insulated from God and those around me.
I want to Know and be Know.